On 16 August, a new reform of the Migration Law (Royal Decree 629/2022 of 26 July) came into force in Spain, which includes important changes that favour the working conditions of immigrants living in Spain.
This new reform makes it easier for all immigrants living in Spain to gain access to the labour market. Mainly those immigrants who have been undocumented in Spain for more than 2 years can legally access employment or training for the sectors in which there are vacancies.
This is because, despite the fact that Spain is one of the Eurozone countries with the highest unemployment rate (13.65%), there are certain sectors in which there is a need for employees, such as the hotel and catering industry, agriculture, construction, and transport. Immigrants with experience in these areas of work will be able to work for 12 months with the possibility of extending their employment for another 12 months, thus being able to apply for a residence permit.
Another relevant aspect for foreign students in the country is that they will be able to work up to 30 hours per week during their studies, stay for another year without requesting an extension of their residence permit or even access the labour market without the need to have been resident for 3 years.
In addition, collective recruitment workers at origin are authorised to work for 4 years for a maximum period of 9 months per year in the same sector. And, if they comply with the commitment to return to their countries during the validity of this work authorisation, they may apply for a residence and work permit for 2 more years (extendable for another 2) during which they may work as employees or self-employed workers.
Finally, another of the reforms improves the family life of foreigners, making it easier for those who arrive in the country for family reunification to obtain a work permit and not only a residence permit.
17th October 2022