
Helping R3E students

The R3E network (Réseau Élèves Étudiants Etrepreneurs) is a community of young Senegalese committed to entrepreneurship and social development. It is a charity that brings together young people from all regions of Senegal and promotes Senegalese values and cultures through its collective building programme.

This community is comprised of young Senegalese who work for the improvement of their fellow citizens’ living conditions. It is not behind any political party or leader, nor does it have any religious or confederal connotation. They carry out actions in the general interest of all.

In this charity they fight for the edification and development of the collective, for a purely modelled citizenship, for the entrepreneurial spirit of young people, for solidarity, mutual aid and for early childhood.

They count on our financial support for several activities (including the Caravan), create economic development projects and allocate part of their income to social work for the Senegalese.

They help orphans in day-care centres and orphanages and the “talibés” to improve their living conditions. Every year these young guys make campaigns to collect clothes, food, shoes, money, toys, soaps, kettles…. Fortunately, the children have the possibility to receive free medical consultations and medicines from their medical team.

The association promotes the culture of peace and non-violence, putting into practice ideas of peace, human rights and democracy, while respecting cultural diversity.

They try to implement a connection and a real bond of brotherhood between young people from all over the country through socio-cultural activities, development projects and solidarity actions.

In August 2022, with everyone’s support, they would like to do better and surpass themselves. R3E network invites us all to take part in their mission for the happiness of the little ones and needy.

Some of the needs are the following: food, clothes for children (2-5 years old), medicines, sanitary products, toys…

Let’s do our bit to help them!

[Translated from Spanish]

15th November 2021





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